Native Plants of Hawaii

Explore Plants by clicking the pictures below

Koolau Trail

Native plants as you head up the mountain

Native plants as you walk along the coast and low land areas


Were you ever interested in identifying Native Hawaiian plants? This website is geared towards helping you identify Native Hawaiian Plants on the trail. 

My name is Troy Solano. I've been an avid hiker on Oahu since 2010. I've been fortunate enough to hike many hiking trails on Oahu and a few on the neighbor islands. Since 2018, I became interested in learning about Hawaiian native plants. Over the past year, I made it my mission to learn about Hawaiian Native Plants. This web site is a documentation of what I've learned. All the pictures were taken by me or my hiking friends. All the research was information I learned from hiking friends and material I found online. 

This site is meant to teach avid hikers about identifying native plants and to have an appreciation for these plants in relation to Hawaiian culture.