
Background Information

The Red Ilima is rare in the wild, I've read that they outplant it in the Waianae Mountain Range. When flowering it is easily identified by this beautiful red color and the flower hangs upside down. What an interesting set up. 


Red Ilima is also known Ko'oloa 'ula. 'Ula in Hawaiian means red. The plant is endemic and federally listed on the endangered species list. The plant can tolerate harsh conditions such as sunny and dry areas. The plant only grows on Oahu, Lanai, Maui, and the Big Island. I thought it was interesting that it doesn't grow on Kauai and Molokai. As you can see, the red flower looks like a mini hibiscus and it is in fact related to the hibsicus family. Although pretty, the flower doesn't produce a smell. The scientific name is Abutilon menziesii.

Green Flower Abutilon - Even though I've been away from the island for five years, I'm still interested in Hawaiian Native Plants. My hiking friends are still active and doing conservation and I enjoy looking through their post on facebook and instagram. I seen a picture on a rare abutilon, these photos were taken by Baron. He said these plants are very rare. According to the Fish and Wildlife Service, the name of this plant is called Abutilon sandwicense. While doing research he was right, it is critically endangered. 

Abutilon sandwicense | Rare Hawaiian Native Plant

Known as Green Flower Indian Mallow

Abutilon sandwicense | Rare Hawaiian Native Plant

Critically Endangered & decreasing population

Abutilon sandwicense | Rare Hawaiian Native Plant

Only grows in the Waianae Mountain Range on Oahu

Background Information


Native Plants Hawaii, Abutilon sanwicense

Native Plants Hawaii, Abutilon menziesii

US Fish and Wildlife, Greenflower Indian Mallow