
'A'ali'i is a very common plant in the dry areas of Oahu. It grows at low elevation and high elevation. There is an abundance of 'A'ali'i scattered all around the Waianae side of Oahu. 

Background Information

This indigenous plant is easy to identify after some practice and when you know its occurance. Below is a picture on the Kealia trail located on Oahu. The name of the plant in Hawaiian means standing in the wind, which implies it is a sturdy plant which can handle harsh wind conditions. The Ancient Hawaiians found many uses for the plant including canoes, weapons, and fishing tools. 

Aalii Hawaiian Native Plant Kaena Point
Aalii Hawaiian Native Plant Liko


The tree can grow up to 20 feet in height and in dry conditions. They produce these red flowers that feel like paper. That is the identifier for the plant. Otherwise it looks like a green plant. 


The leaves of 'A'ali'i has a papery feel which can also be an identifier. The scientific name is Dodonaea viscossa. 

Aalii Hawaiian Native Plant
